世紀帝國 - 城堡守衛戰 Wiki

"Armies often camped outside major settlements to rest and replenish their stocks before marching to battle."


  • Army camps train and house your troops. Building and upgrading them increases the size of your army. Army camps do NOT take part in the battle when your castle is under attack.
  • The number of army camps is limited by the level of the Keep. One army camp is available right away, the second when the Keep reaches age II, the third one after the age V and the fourth at age VI.
Level Camp Capacity Total Capacity Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Age Required
1 6 Army Camp Space 6 Army Camp Total Capacity 300 Food 10s Age 1
2 8 Army Camp Space 16 Army Camp Total Capacity 2,000 Food 1h 30m Age 2
3 10 Army Camp Space 20 Army Camp Total Capacity 4,250 Food 3h Age 3
4 12 Army Camp Space 24 Army Camp Total Capacity 14,000 Food 15h Age 4
5 13 Army Camp Space 39 Army Camp Total Capacity 45,000 Food 1d 12h Age 5
6 14 Army Camp Space 56 Army Camp Total Capacity 180,000 Food 3d Age 6
7 16 Army Camp Space 64 Army Camp Total Capacity 575,000 Food 5d 6 h Age 7
8 17 Army Camp Space 68 Army Camp Total Capacity 900,000 Food 7d 12h Age 8
9 18 Army Camp Space 72 Army Camp Total Capacity 2,250,000 Food 10d Age 9

Units Spear infantry level03 Infantry level03 Raiders level03 Ladder infantry level03 Shortbow archers level03 Archers level03 Heavy cavalry level03 Ram level03 Siege tower level01 Catapult level03 Trebuchet level02 Grenadier level01 Longbowmen level03 Cheirosiphon level03 Knight templar level03 Raiders muscovoy level03 Mamluk level03 Teutonic knight level03
Army Camp Space 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

经济 农场粮仓磨坊贮木场采石场石料库大教堂道路
防卫 弓箭手塔楼弩弓塔楼弩炮塔楼喷火塔楼火枪塔楼投石车炮台投石机炮台烽火台警卫室岗哨铁蒺藜工程兵陷阱火焰陷阱城墙
军事 军营营房文明军营马厩英雄殿堂大使馆靶场攻城工坊大学
其他建筑 城堡荣誉