世紀帝國 - 城堡守衛戰 Wiki
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*I keep 2 of these in my army. Because they burn buildings they can attack a building for 3 seconds and move on to the next before the building is even 1/4 damaged. If you have a lot of the defenses knocked out or if you are assaulting a keep and have most of their defenses are busy unleash the dogs of war and let them clear out their resources while you keep on clearing that path to the keep. Just remember when using them never assign them to attack a target, always point them in the direction you want, otherwise they stay on the building until its gone.
*(another player) I have 4 of these in my army,i keep them together and have them attack towers once the tower is occupied killing my other units,then they set the tower on fire,and after that the fire keeps burning until tower is destroyed or battle ends. Or i have them keep attacking the tower until its destroyed.

於 2016年3月30日 (三) 12:51 的修訂



  • 這些騎馬的劫掠者可以放火燒建築,是最有用的劫掠者和散兵。他們會搜尋建築進行掠奪。俄國劫掠者可以很大程度藉助掩護小分隊的作用實施搶奪。
  • 比起劫掠者能更有效掠奪資源。
  • 長槍兵和塔樓能夠有效擊倒俄國劫掠者。


  • 能在攻擊三秒後點燃建築,並造成持續傷害。攻擊對手時能以此特性更有效攻擊建築物。


  • 由於其快速及強壯的特性,使俄國劫掠者能夠快速找出並點燃攻城武器。在等級四的警衛室中部屬他們。
等級 生命值 攻擊 每秒傷害 訓練成本 訓練時間 升級成本 升級時間 需要文明軍營等級
1 1,300 Health 130 Damage 455 Damage 80 Food 130秒 500 Kievan Rus N/A 5
2 1,560 Health 156 Damage 546 Damage 100 Food 140秒

1,500 Kievan Rus

87,500 Wood

1天 8小時 6
3 1,872 Health 188 Damage 658 Damage 120 Food 150秒

4,000 Kievan Rus

375,000 Wood

2天 6小時 7
4 2,152 Health 215 Damage 755 Damage 140 Food 160秒

7,500 Kievan Rus

715,000 Wood

3天 12小時 8
5 2,475 Health 247 Damage 867 Damage 160 Food 170秒

15,000 Kievan Rus

1,500,000 Wood

4天 9

英雄 獅心王理查亨利五世黑王子愛德華貝利撒留約翰‧庫卡斯尼克服羅二世 福卡斯查理馬特查理曼大帝聖女貞德基輔思維亞托斯拉夫一世盧立克亞歷山大‧勒夫斯基塔里克‧伊本‧齊亞德馬斯拉馬‧伊本‧阿爾‧阿爾馬立克薩拉丁赫爾曼薩爾札長者康拉德溫里希‧馮‧奈普奧德
一般兵種 長矛兵重型步兵劫掠者雲梯攻城兵弩兵弓箭手騎兵擲彈兵破城槌攻城塔投石車投石機
文明兵種 長弓兵切洛斯聖殿騎士俄國劫掠者馬穆魯克條頓騎士