Age of Empires Castle Siege Wiki

"The construction of castles and fortified towns created demand for siege engines that could take down walls and open up the fortificiation to troops."


Level Health Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Age Require
1 2,112 Health 2,000 Wood 1h Age03
2 2,535 Health 6,000 Wood 12h Age04
3 3,042 Health 30,000 Wood 1d 6h Age05
4 3,500 Health 100,000 Wood 2d 18h Age06
5 4,025 Health 350,000 Wood 4d 12h Age07
6 4,500 Health 525,000 Wood 6d 12h Age08
7 5,040 Health 1,400,000 Wood 8d Age09
8 5,544 Health 2,400,000 Wood 10d Age10

Troop type Siege Workshop Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ram level05Battering Ram 1,2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Siege tower level04Siege Tower - 1,2 3 3 4 4 5 6
Catapult level06Onager - 1,2 3 4 5 6 7
Trebuchet level03Trebuchet - - - 1,2 3 4 5 6
Grenadier level01Grenadier - - - - 1 1 2 3

Economy FarmSiloMillLumberyardQuarryStorehouseCathedralRoad
Fortification Archer TowerCrossbow TowerBallista TowerFlame TowerMusket TowerCatapult EmplacementTrebuchet EmplacementWatch SignalGuard HousePatrol PointCaltropsEngineer TrapFire TrapWall
Military Army CampBarracksCultural BarracksStableHall of HeroesEmbassyArchery RangeSiege WorkshopUniversity
Other Buildings KeepHonor