Age of Empires Castle Siege Wiki

Destruction Points in a battle. Intended to be in Game Play / Attacking Tab..

Destruction points during a battle

Here are the destruction points gained during a battle. Data under this page is still incomplete however once it will be completed players may find some usefull data to strenthen their defence stratagy. While attack players will target buildings which gives max points, while arranging defence players may keep less point buildings outside.

Destruction Points

Copied this table from elsewhere seems it would be better a little...

Notes: I have replayed many attacks and defences it seems Unit levels also a factor to gather a point, if that is the case simple table like below may not serve the purpose and a detailed table may required with exact data. Requires some input from other contributors.

Buildings Type Destruction Points
Type Unit Point Max Unit Max Point


(Kieven Rus / Lvl 10 / All upgraded)
Weurope army camp Army Camp Military 0 4 0
Weurope barracks level09 Barracks Military 1% 1 1%
Archery range level08 Archery Range Military 1% 1 1%
Stable level05 Stable Military 1% 1 1%
Siege workshop level07 Siege Workshop Military 1% 1 2% 2%
Britons cultural barracks level05 Cultural Barracks Military 1% 1 1% Palace of Facets
Britons university level06 University Military 1% 1 1%
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
Weurope hall of heroes level04 Hall of Heroes Military 1% 1 1%
Total 11 8%
Weurope farm level10 Farm Economy 2% 4 8% ok
Weurope silo level10 Silo Economy 3% 4 12% 3%
Weurope mill level10 Mill Economy 2% 4 8%
Weurope lumber yard level10 Lumberyard Economy 4% 4 16% 4%
Weurope quarry level07 Quarry Economy 2% 3 6%
Weurope store house level07 Storehouse Economy 3% 2 6% 3%
Britons church level06 Cathedral Economy 1% 1 2% St. Sophia Cathedral / 2%
Weurope road Road Economy 0 700
Weurope archer tower level09 Archer Tower Fortification 0 8 0 1% / but not always?
Weurope crossbow tower level06 Crossbow Tower Fortification 0 3 0

0% / sometimes

breaking 2 gives 1%

Weurope ballista tower level06 Ballista Tower Fortification 0 5 0 1%
Weurope flame tower level04 Flame Tower Fortification 0 2 0 0
Weurope musket tower level02 Musket Tower Fortification 0 2 0 0
Catapult emplacement level06 Catapult Emp. Fortification 0 3 3% 1%
Trebuchet emplacement level04 Trebuchet Emp. Fortification 0 2 2% 1%
Watch signal level08 Watch Signal Fortification 0 1 1% 1%
Weurope guard house level06 Guard House Fortification 0 2 0 0%
Weurope patrol point Patrol Point Fortification 0 3 0 0
Caltrops trap Caltrops Fortification 0 14 0 0
Engineer trap Engineer Trap Fortification 0 4 0 0
Fire trap Fire Trap Fortification 0 2 0 0
Weurope wall level11 Wall Fortification 0 125 0 0
KEEP Other 30% 1 7% 7%
Embassy Other 2%

Seems unit level also

effects destruction points

Table is indicative actual data to feed, Tried to correct data in Remarks coulumn...

Fortification units contains no points as i suppose, gamers may update...

Notes : 20.02.2017 : It is not that easy to draw a table as I thought initially, percentage seems distributed on various parameters and varies a lot. I watched many replays and gone crazy with multiple outputs, help guys to find the formula and calculations.

Economy FarmSiloMillLumberyardQuarryStorehouseCathedralRoad
Fortification Archer TowerCrossbow TowerBallista TowerFlame TowerMusket TowerCatapult EmplacementTrebuchet EmplacementWatch SignalGuard HousePatrol PointCaltropsEngineer TrapFire TrapWall
Military Army CampBarracksCultural BarracksStableHall of HeroesEmbassyArchery RangeSiege WorkshopUniversity
Other Buildings KeepHonor